

卡林J,. 棕色(的)

Professor of Music; Director, Music Therapy Program

电子邮件: browncj@istamps.net
办公室: 克劳福德 206

教育: BA, Emmanuel College, 1980; MA, University of Washington, 1987; PhD, University of Washington, 1991. 自2005年起在SPU工作.

Dr. 卡林J,. 棕色(的) is a musician, music educator, music therapist, and arts manager. Her early training began in Boston, 麻萨诸塞州, where she studied music education and music therapy, taught in the Boston Public School system, and worked several summers at Tanglewood, for the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Dr. 棕色(的) earned a master’s degree and doctorate in Systematic Musicology, with a focus on the Psychology of Music, from the University of Washington.

Dr. 棕色(的) is currently a Professor and former chair of the 音乐系 at 西雅图 Pacific University. She is a Board-Certified Music Therapist (MT-BC) and director of the SPU Music Therapy Program, the first music therapy program in the state of Washington. Dr. 棕色(的) is also serving as a consultant for the development of a master’s degree music therapy program at the National Tsing Hua University, 新竹市, 台湾.

Her clinical and research interests are in the use of music for the management of pain. In addition to teaching core courses in music therapy, such as The Psychology of Music, and Music and Medicine, Dr. 棕色(的) teaches the first-year curriculum of music theory. She has been honored and recognized twice by the University for her teaching and received the 2018 Professional Practice Award, Western Region Chapter, American Music Therapy Association. She is an organist for St. Brendan’s Parish in Bothell, Washington.

Selected 出版物

  • 布朗,C.J. (2017年9月). The use of music in pain management: Clinical applications. Paper presented at the International Symposium of Rural 健康 and Innovative Long-Term Care Services. Puli Christian Hospital, Puli, 台湾.
  • 布朗,C.J. (2017年9月). Cross cultural perspectives of music therapy. National Tsing Hua University, 新竹市, 台湾.
  • 布朗,C.J. (2017年9月). 为什么音乐? It’s role in health care. National 台湾 University College of Medicine and Hospital. 台北,台湾.
  • 布朗,C.J. (2017). A Cool Job: Music Therapy. Voice of Washington Music Educators, Jan. 62 (2), 41-44

请查看 Dr. 布朗的简历 (PDF) for more publications.



布朗卡, Professor of Music; Director, Music Therapy Program

我喜欢教书, 特别是在SPU. I primarily teach freshman students, an experience that I consider to be fun, 鼓舞人心的, 有启发性的, and challenging — especially Music Theory at 8 a.m.! Music Therapy students are passionate and motivated to use their musical gifts to serve others. I am blessed to watch students grow and see how transformative learning and service can be. Yet I, too, am privileged to see the world through their eyes and perspective. My learning and growth have been alongside them as well.”



November 2019, the SPU Music Therapy Program celebrated its 10th anniversary! 点击这个 link to see how our students and alumni gathered to make music, chat with our guest speaker Dr. Deforia巷, and spend an evening at Benaroya Hall with a special musical offering by the 西雅图 Symphony.