


当我想到是什么造就了一个成功的SBGE毕业生, the two words that come to mind are "trustworthy" and "competent." SBGE is a place where ethical, personal, and purposeful business meets impactful employment. 网易彩票app的学生是“就业就绪”和“面向未来”的."

We work hard to equip 网易彩票app的学生 with job-readiness classes, 需要实习, and connect students with mentors to prepare them for 今天’s workforce. 作为一所基督教文科学校, 网易彩票app培养了持久的道德想象力, 批判性思维, 以及永不停止学习的欲望. 这些技能为学生找工作做准备

最近, we’ve shifted our internship program to best serve our student body and the current needs of the work world. I hope you enjoy hearing some of the changes we’ve made and how internships are changing as a whole post-COVID.




yellow sticky note with internship written on it by computer keyboard


自疫情以来,实习岗位发生了巨大变化. 远程工作, 公司裁员, 更少的位置, and more applicants have contributed to making it difficult to obtain the in-office, 过去的实地实习经验.


“在某些方面,这感觉像是全新的一天,查莉蒂·奥斯本说, 主管本科生的副院长. “The pandemic shook up the work world in ways that have affected everyone — including, 当然, 网易彩票app的学生.”


At SPU, changing student demographics have also required us to rethink internship requirements. Many SPU students are first-generation college students who already work 30-40 hours per week, 奥斯本说.


“实习 are a necessity,加里·卡恩斯说, 研究生项目副院长. “But universities and employers will have to recalibrate what they mean by internships. 核心原则仍然是为工作做好准备. We have to ask, ‘How can we help students obtain relevant outcomes from their work experience?’”


除了拓宽实习的定义, SBGE has also added more feedback and mentorship from professionals and restructured the pre- and post-internship courses. The courses are now taught by SBGE adjunct instructor Kristen Thornton, 他是Zillow的人力分析高级经理. The classes focus on basic skills for early career preparation, 比如面试, 谈判, 时间管理.


At the end of the course, Thornton asks what students have learned. 她总是听到:“多问问题.”“要更好奇.”“如果你不知道所有的答案也没关系.”


桑顿受到了这些教训的鼓舞. “随着人工智能改变工作场所, we need to feel like employees can ask questions and effectively navigate the changing landscape of work.”





韦斯利·范·弗莱克, senior, business administration major, Port Orchard, Washington




My internship is ongoing and is in the accounting/finance department of a local architecture firm called LMN Architects. 我的主要工作是项目会计, and I have enjoyed learning about the architecture industry as part of my internship.


沟通! You get to understand the importance of timeliness and making sure everything is clear and understood, and how that can affect the performance of multiple departments. 从更技术的角度来看, some skills I have picked up from this internship include data analyzation, 电子表格的建筑, 财务分析, 项目会计.


Deana L. 波特菲尔德,SPU的总裁


SPU recently welcomed our 12th University President and the first woman president of 西雅图 Pacific, Deana L. 波特菲尔德. 波特菲尔德 served as the president of Roberts Wesleyan University in Rochester, 在纽约待了九年. 了解更多网易彩票app她的信仰和她对SPU的希望 Q&A



SPU is phasing out its MBA program in order to focus on the 数据与分析理学硕士.


“We’re focusing all of our energies on this strong program that’s having great results for students,加里·卡恩斯说, 研究生项目副院长.


斯坦福大学不再提供MBA课程的录取, but the Spring Quarter application deadline for the MS-DAB is Feb. 1. The MS-DAB gives students all of the expertise necessary to excel in the rapidly expanding data analytics field.



《网易彩票下载》的电影 & Co. 第五季《网易彩票下载》已经完成了. 信仰 & Co. is a collection of instructor-led online courses and inspiring short films facilitated by SPU. 订阅 信念与信念. YouTube频道 和/或 报名参加一个课程, if you want to explore enterprise as a means of service to the world.


多萝西Nyambi, medical doctor and international development leader

International development leader 多萝西Nyambi on 西雅图 Pacific campus

多萝西Nyambi, 医学博士和国际发展领导者, delivered a captivating lecture on May 10 at SPU for the Burton & 瓦伦·沃尔斯杰出演讲系列.


Nyambi is the president and CEO of the Mennonite Economic Development Associates, which was awarded $200 million for their Africa Growth Fund from MasterCard Foundation. Nyambi talked about the challenges and joys of international development and what it’s like to be a Black female leader in that space.


“我已经明白,要成为一名领导者,你必须倾听. 当网易彩票app倾听时,网易彩票app真的听到了吗? 网易彩票app是带着尊重在听吗?她问. “Acknowledging people and translating that into action is really important.”


你可以看着她 完整的演讲 for the Burton and 瓦伦·沃尔斯杰出演讲系列.




网易彩票app要尊重 Professor Emeritus of Management and Information Systems 格哈德Steinke 他1992年开始在网易彩票下载学习. Steinke taught information systems and information security at SPU while also consulting for organizations such as Boeing, 微软, AT&T无线,以及华盛顿州. He recently retired and will remain connected to the University as a professor emeritus.

We would also like to bid farewell to other beloved faculty members such as Randy Beavers, associate professor of finance; Vicki Eveland, associate professor of marketing; Carmelita Omran, instructor of accounting; and Caleb Henry, 政治学副教授.


网易彩票app非常高兴地欢迎两位新教员: 叶林的李, assistant professor of accounting, and visiting professor Jefferson Huebner, 商业讲师. 李获得了博士学位.D. in accounting at Virginia Commonwealth University in 2023. She previously worked at HSBC Group and PwC in Shanghai, China. She currently researches how monetary incentives and management control systems facilitate corporate decision-making. Huebner brings a strong mix of academic and corporate experience to the classroom.