17th 珀金斯年度讲座 Series

的 珀金斯 Center welcomes Dr. Jemar Tisby牧师. Dominique Dubois 吉尔兰德 for the 2023 珀金斯 Lecture Series, April 23–25, 的 Legacy of Where We Are: Lessons from History.

This invitation to two authors, speakers 和 historians will bring us into reflections 和 conversations to both challenge 和 encourage us. We hope that you will join us for the weeks events!

This annual lecture series is a time to gather the 珀金斯 Center’s relationships from campus 和 community, coming together in reflection 和 learning together. This year’s events will take place both on campus 和 in the community. 的 2023 Lecture Series is sponsored in partnership with Rainier Avenue Church, 和CCDA PNW.




牧师. 吉尔兰德 will preach in 西雅图-area churches on 4月23日星期日. You are invited to attend:

与牧师. 吉尔兰德
10 a.m. | 雷尼尔大街5900号. S.西雅图,华盛顿州98118

*Services were livestreamed 和 recording available on the Rainier Avenue Church YouTube





Jemar Tisby Dr. Jemar Tisby
7 p.m.


Dr. Tisby will provide the 17th 珀金斯年度讲座 for an evening gathering this year. We will also be able to present this year's 珀金斯中心奖 scholarship winners.

的 liverstream链接 is still temporarily available.

Dr. Tisby will also be a panelist at part of the 2023墙壁讲座 presented by the 神学院, with Drs. Douglas Strong, Segbegnon Gnonhossou, Matthew Sigler 和 moderated by Ashley Skinner-Creek. 的 Walls Lecture will take place on 4月25日星期二 at 7pm.




牧师. Dominique DuBois 吉尔兰德 牧师. Dominique DuBois 吉尔兰德 和 Dr. Jemar Tisby
11:10 a.m.


In this All-University Chapel, 多民族的程序 Director Joyce del Rosario博士, will moderate a conversation with 牧师. Dominique 吉尔兰德 和 Dr. Jemar Tisby. 

的 liverstream链接 is still temporarily available.

CCDA Pacific Northwest Training Event

2–5 p.m. (CCD培训)
5–7 p.m. (晚餐)
城市的影响/Emerald City Bible Fellowship
雷尼尔大街7728号. S.、西雅图
$20 / 登记 closed.

牧师. Dominique DuBois 吉尔兰德 presents on the theology of the CCD principles. 需要注册.


Jemar Tisby博士, speaks nationwide on topics of racial justice, U.S. history, 和 Christianity. 他是 《网易彩票app》“畅销书, 的 Color of Compromise: 的 Truth 网易彩票app the American Church's Complicity in RacismHow to Fight Racism: Courageous Christianity 和 the Journey toward Racial Justice. He is also professor of history at Simmons College of Kentucky, 和 he has been a co-host of the Pass the Mic podcast since it began. His writing has been featured in 的 Washington Post, 大西洋, 《网易彩票app》, 和其他地方. 

Dominique DuBois 吉尔兰德, MDiv, 他是 Rethinking Incarceration: Advocating for Justice that Restores, 和 he was named Outreach Magazine’s 2019 Social Issues Resource of the Year. 他的新书, Subversive Witness: Scripture’s Call to Leverage Privilege, won Englewood 牧师iew of Books 2021 Book of the Year Award. 吉尔兰德 is the director of racial righteousness 和 reconciliation for the Love Mercy Do Justice initiative for the Evangelical Covenant Church. He also serves on the board of directors for the Christian 社区 Development Association.

Joyce del Rosario博士, came to 西雅图 Pacific University in 2022 to lead 多民族的程序 作为导演. 在领导欧洲议会之前, she served as assistant professor of the practice of ministry 和 the director of community engaged learning at the Pacific School of Religion (PSR) in Berkeley, 加州. In addition, she served 作为导演 of the Asian American 和 Pacific Isl和 Initiative at PSR.


Posted: Thursday, March 30, 2023