



编者按: 纪念乔·斯内尔的礼拜仪式于10月25日举行, 特色SPU福音合唱团和合奏, 以及特邀嘉宾丹尼尔·达蒙 & 皇室. 有人出价买新的乔·K. 斯内尔少数民族学生奖学金.


约瑟夫·凯文·斯内尔, formerly the assistant director of student programs and director of intercultural affairs at 网易彩票下载, 8月5日意外死亡, 2009. 当时他46岁. 四个孩子中的一个, 斯内尔在德克萨斯州长大, 最终进入博蒙特的拉马尔大学, 德州. He then received a master’s degree in management from Regis University in Virginia.


2001年,斯内尔加入网易彩票下载. He quickly became instrumental in helping the University expand its then-new diversity initiative. 在SPU的时候, he helped students form the ASSP President’s Action Committee; the Mosaic cadre for students exploring the topic of reconciliation; Night of Beats; and the student club Salsa. 他还引导学生们努力把自己带进课堂 全国基督教多元文化学生领袖会议 2004年搬到旧金山大学校园.


“乔 made a significant contribution to our campus community and to our work in reconciliation during the time he was with us,西雅图州立大学校长菲利普·伊顿说. "和 he made a very special impact on our students by sharing his time and caring for them on a personal level. 他和网易彩票app在一起改变了很多人的生活.”


2007年,斯内尔离开SPU,成为多民族项目主任 亚利桑那太平洋大学 在加州洛杉矶. 他的父母先于他去世, 他身后有两个兄弟, 一个妹妹, 还有很多其他的家庭成员.


响应 邀请同事和朋友在这里分享他们对乔·斯内尔的怀念.


塔利·海尔斯顿的《网易彩票下载》, 约翰·珀金斯和解中心主任, 领导力培训, 及社区发展




Susan Okamoto Lane的《网易彩票app》多民族项目主任


黛布拉·塞奎拉的《网易彩票app》, professor of communication and associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences









在你回家十周年之际,你没有被忘记. 乔.



发布于2010年6月28日,在7:02 a.m.


I will always remember 乔 as one of two people who were instrumental in our College and Career class revival that occurred in the late 1980's and early 1990's. 乔对耶稣的爱是有感染力的. 毫无疑问,网易彩票app的朋友现在和耶稣在一起.





我很荣幸和乔做了两年的师徒关系. The thing I can say about 乔 with absolute conviction is that he passionately believed in racial reconciliation among all men, 尤其是在基督的身体里. 虽然那不是我和他合作的主题, we spent hours talking about the subtle racial distinctions that operated within the subconscious of the Church. 和, 虽然那不是我和他合作的主题, he challenged me to look within my own self and see the below-the-surface racial biases that I held without awareness. 和他在一起,我变得更好了.


乔是一个深刻的思想家,认真,有洞察力...非常有趣. When it was his turn to speak at our little men's group, he surprised the heck out of me! 这是很严重的, 古怪的, 有时受折磨的弟弟表现得像个真正的喜剧演员, and cracking us all up--I realized there was another whole dimension to 乔 that I had not glimpsed.


乔搬到加利福尼亚后,我和他失去了联系. 他去世的消息使我震惊,使我悲伤, 但就像其他人在下面提到的, 他现在痊愈了,平静了, 与他的主团聚,与他亲爱的妈妈和其他人团聚. 我期待着有一天能再见到他.


马库斯一. 山



在令人难忘的七年里,乔在我的生命中扮演了许多角色. 当我搬到西雅图上大学时,乔是我的导师. 他扮演牧师的角色,为我提供教牧关怀. 当我父亲忽视我,不爱我的时候, 乔给了我父亲般的爱和养育, 当我心碎的时候,他是我可以依靠哭泣的肩膀.


当我从网易彩票下载毕业时, 我记得乔, 站在倾盆大雨中, 沉浸在他的王权之中, 昂首阔步, 他喊道, ”马库斯, 网易彩票app做到了!" I recall 乔 giving me the biggest high five and biggest hug as his arms wrapped around me as the rain continue to poor. 后来, 我的家人, 我的朋友和乔, 回到家里庆祝和分享. 当乔在聚会上会见并问候我的家人时, 我记得我在想乔给我留下了多么深刻的印象, 是什么造就了现在的我.


乔在我绝望、失去父亲、支离破碎的时候遇见了我. 乔 was a man full of hope and believed that reconciliation was for everyone: churches, 学校, 公司, 家庭, 男性和女性, 所有种族. 他教会我找到自己的激情所在,追寻自己的梦想. 乔是一个聪明,聪明,有趣,暖心,书呆子的家伙. 我想念他.


乔有能力让你笑得热泪盈眶. Because of his passion for the lives of others, 乔 encouraged me to continue my education. He taught me that ministry is a profession and a calling and one most be fully equipped to handle it. For that very reason, I applied and was accepted into seminary at Azusa Pacific. 当乔鼓励我去读研究生的时候, he had no clue that I had chosen to spend the next three years with him again.


当我在加州给他惊喜的时候, 告诉他网易彩票app还会在一起三年, 乔不得不坐下来算算. 他必须加上在西雅图的五年和在APU的三年, 这相当于乔提前退休. So 乔 did what he had been doing the last five years we spent together in Seattle, 他带我去吃午饭. If there was one thing 乔 and I did well, it was eat a bucket of fried chicken. 对乔来说,没有了红公鸡辣酱,炸鸡就不一样了.


过去两年了, 乔做了他最擅长的事, 他指导我, 他爱我,他花了无数个小时听我说话. 乔和我从来不知道如何简短地交谈. 但这就是为什么他叫乔. 乔去世前几周,网易彩票app在他的办公室聊了三个小时. 之后,他让我做了几件对我有帮助的事情. He passed away before I could tell him that I had did exactly what he told me -- for once!


乔最重要的值得注意的特点是他是真实的. 和网易彩票app其他人一样,他也有挣扎、问题和很多心痛. The pain of losing his mother was difficult both before and after her passing. 乔知道妈妈在上帝的怀抱中安息,他会感到安慰的. He would sit in his office and regardless of what he was doing; he always had gospel music playing on his computer. 乔爱耶稣,他知道神会供应他所有的需要.


Shortly before 乔's death he was with Amber Brown and Denise Gleason on his way to lunch. 以苦乐参半的方式, how awesome is it to receive an invitation to dine with the Master and sit at His table. 享受他永远的平安是多么可畏啊, 喝那永不干涸的活水之杯. 保罗说离开身体就是与主同在. 转眼间,乔看见了耶稣. 他不再挣扎了. 他没有痛苦,没有心痛. 现在他的灵魂安息在上帝的怀抱里,他不再受伤了. 因为将来有许多人要像他来, 他们可能会像他一样讲笑话, 他们可能会像他一样说话, 他们甚至可以完全模仿他, 但永远只有一个约瑟夫·凯文·斯内尔. 我爱你,乔!


马库斯一. 山





D. 韦斯利·波伊特雷斯,m.s.A.



I was blessed to share some quality time with 乔 Snell at a few NCMSLC conferences and am grateful that our Lord allowed us to do so. 他的精神很好,就像一缕阳光.


Thank you for extending this opportunity for us to share and grieve with you and your institution. 记住,他并没有离开,乔活在网易彩票app心中. 在这艰难的时刻,祝福你和斯坦福大学.




D. 韦斯利·波伊特雷斯,m.s.A.







主人说,好,你这又良善又忠心的仆人! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. 来分享你主人的快乐吧!’"


On Wednesday, 5 August 2009, 约瑟夫·凯文·斯内尔, passed away of an apparent heart attack. Joseph was affectionately known to many as 乔, however, to close family he was simply, Joby. 乔 chose to pursue his undergraduate degree at Lamar University in Beaumont, 德州. 他在弗吉尼亚州的里吉斯大学(Regis University)获得管理学硕士学位.

最近, 乔 served as the director of Multi-Ethnic Programs at 亚利桑那太平洋大学 在加州洛杉矶. 在APU任职之前, he successfully served in a similar position with 网易彩票下载 in Washington. 也, he and his student leaders were regular attendees of the National Christian Multicultural Student Leaders Conference. In fact, 乔 secured NCMSLC for SPU in 2004, and served as the host site director for the conference. 通过他的勤奋, 承诺, 指导, 共同掌权, 注重细节和热情的精神, he and his SPU colleagues and students produced a highly successful conference.

Many were touched by 乔’s genuine compassion and benefitted from his sincere selfless leadership. 他温暖的微笑和鼓舞人心的支持足迹将永远伴随着网易彩票app. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with his family, students, colleagues and friends.







就像塔利在给乔的布道中写的那样, there are many of us who experienced countless "乔 moments" at SPU that helped us through times when we were hard-pressed and perplexed. I distinctly remember a day when I was feeling completely disillusioned after a group discussion and I rushed into 乔's office, 强忍泪水,滔滔不绝地问问题. 乔 gently validated me and gave me resources that helped me to understand the group dynamics that I was encountering.


然后, 从那以后,我做了很多次, he encouraged me to patiently and persistently seek God's kingdom in all of its rich diversity. 和, 他找到了一种方法,当乔笑的时候,让我笑——老实说, 你忍不住跟着他一起笑.


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