Information 和 Services for You

银行: A U.S. 银行有一个全方位服务的提款机位于西贝尔托纳对面的学生会大楼(SUB)。. Hours: Monday–Thursday 9 a.m.–5 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Closed Saturday 和 Sunday. 电话:206-217-0019. 额外的自动取款机:美国银行的自动取款机在威特大厅的正门, 和 a Credit Union Northwest cash machine is inside the SUB.

书店: 位于西伯托纳的学生会大楼对面, the SPU 书店 carries textbooks, 礼物, 卡片, 大学服装, 日常用品. Hours: Monday–Thursday 8:30 a.m.–6 p.m.; Friday 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.; Saturday 11a.m.–2 p.m.; Sunday closed. 电话:206-281-2137.

类提供了: 了解提供哪些课程,日期和时间,以及教师名单 研究生目录时间表.

Campus Information (的 BRANCH): 的 BRANCH is a student-run campus information 和 service desk. Services include directing phone calls; welcoming visitors; assisting with vending machines; 和 issuing bus, 游泳, 和 西雅图 Art Museum passes. Also manages the lost-和-found. 地点: 潮湿的大厅, main floor next to 共同点 coffee shop. 电话: 206-281-2000 (dial “0” if on campus) Hours: Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–12 p.m. 学生也可以在中午到下午6点之间在Weter三楼的学生参与和领导办公室接待处获得这些服务.m.; persons with mobility challenges will be able to call the OSIL reception area to have a staff person come to meet them on the second floor.

校园安全: 位于601 W. 艾默生安全与安保服务每周7天,每天24小时开放. 安全 staff members are trained in CPR, 急救, 和 respond to all campus emergencies 和 minor injuries. 天黑后, 保安人员可以护送人们从建筑物到宿舍或汽车. 电话: 206-281-2922 (on campus, dial x2922). In an emergency on campus, dial x2911.

计算机帮助台: Computer 和 Information Systems is located in lower Marston. 的 帮助台 is available for technical consultation on software applications, 网络访问, 帐户设置, 和 other basic troubleshooting that can be h和led over the phone. Hours: Monday–Friday 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m. 电话:206-281-2982.

成本 和 金融援助 for Graduate Students: Student Financial Services (SFS) can respond to your questions about financial aid, 学费, 奖学金, 学生就业. Hours: Monday–Wednesday 和 Friday 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.; Thursday 9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. SFS is located in Demaray大厅 10. 电话:206-281-2061.

餐饮选项: 索迪斯校园服务与网易彩票下载保持了超过45年的合作关系. Students are 餐饮服务’ primary focus, 网易彩票app努力提供健康美味的优质本地产品. 方便的位置, outst和ing customer service, 高品质食品, 和 a focus on sustainability make dining at SPU a great experience.

  • Gwinn Commons dining hall, our main dining facility, 提供了一个诱人的氛围和菜单,以适应学生的喜好, including exhibition cooking 和 made-to-order meals.
  • 街角市场,网易彩票app的校园便利店位于马丁广场,以爱因斯坦兄弟为特色. 百吉饼,简单地去吃饭,零食,水果,和各种各样的饮料.
  • 共同点, our campus coffee shop in 潮湿的大厅, features espresso drinks, 新鲜烘烤糕点, a variety of snack items, 和简单的随走餐.
  • Falcon’s L和ing是潜艇上一家方便的零售餐厅和烧烤店,以爱因斯坦兄弟为特色. ®百吉饼,特色汉堡,一个随叫随到的沙拉站,和各种各样的抓和走的选择.
  • 学术福利, an espresso kiosk in the SUB, features Starbucks® coffee, a variety of light snacks, 高档的甜品, 和简单的随走餐.
  • Subway S和wiches, located across from Tiffany Loop.


电子邮件: 电子邮件 is a necessary 和 required method for communication at SPU. 注册后,您的SPU电子邮件地址将自动创建. 详细信息可在Banner帐户的计算机资源菜单中找到. Additional help may be found on the CIS帮助页面, or contact CIS at 206-281-2982.

Enrollment Verification: 课程注册和学位验证由注册办公室验证当前和过去的季度, located in Demaray大厅 151. Hours: Monday–Wednesday 和 Thursday: 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. 星期五9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. 电话:206-281-2031.

Grades 和 Grade Reports: 学生在一门课程中的表现质量由一个以分数计算的字母等级来认可. Except in cases of clerical error, 任何教师都不得更改他或她提交给教务处的成绩. 此外,成绩更改只能在课程结束后的一个季度进行.

健身房/健身设施: With a valid SPU ID card, 欢迎研究生和夜校学生使用位于皇家布劳厄姆馆的健身设施. 可提供的服务包括健身房和有氧健身中心. Students also have limited court access; check the schedule outside the main gym for available court times. Locker rooms are available for student use. Hours: Monday–Thursday 7 a.m.–10:45 p.m.; Friday 7 a.m.–8:45 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m.–8:45 p.m.; Sunday 2–5:45 p.m. 电话: 206-281-2085 or 206-281-2307.

住房: Limited housing is available for graduate students. 要获得申请,或了解更多信息,请致电住房服务部206-281-2188或发送电子邮件 (浏览房屋网页.)

太平洋通行证 (校园卡): 在图书馆借阅资料时,需要携带Sea Pac通行证, to gain admission to campus activities, 和 to gain access to certain buildings on campus. 您还可以为在用餐地点购买添加优势积分,并为用餐地点以外的所有购买添加借记卡美元(例如书店), 邮件服务, copying 和 printing on campus, 和 select beverage vending machines). 太平洋通行证es are issued at the 办公室 of University Services. Students are issued their first card at no charge. 如果学生在SPU停留期间必须更换卡,则需支付费用. University Services is located at 3220 Sixth Avenue West. 电话:206-281-2693.

库: 的 SPU 图书馆 provides books, journals, 和 magazines. 它还提供在线数据库,可从图书馆和通过 图书馆网站. 学生需持有效的学生证借阅图书和其他资料. 检查日程安排 当前小时数. 电话: 206-281-2228 (main desk), 206-281-2419 (reference desk).

停车: All vehicles must be registered with 安全 和 安全. This registration is free 和 required by the city 和 University. 在学年期间,从下午4点开始,所有的通勤停车场都可以免费停车.m. 到7岁.m. 星期一至五及星期六至日全日(德马瑞堂外S地段除外). 街道停车是免费的,但车辆仍必须在安全与安保部门登记. Hours: 安全 和 安全 is open 24 hours a day. 电话:206-281-2821.

公共交通: King County's Metro bus service is a reliable commuting option, 为大学校园服务,每天定期前往西雅图市中心. Students may purchase bus passes in 安全 和 安全. Bus 和 ferry schedules are located in Uni-Com.

类注册: 注册日期在大学日历上公布 研究生目录时间表. 被录取的研究生和博士生可以在本季度的第一周注册并参加提前注册. 学生将被要求申请,并且如果在本季度的第五天之后注册,将被收取滞纳金. 虽然注册程序因课程而异,但学生可以选择以下四种:

  • In person in the 司法常务官办公室 
  • 传真:206-281-2669
  • 邮寄至注册官办公室,地址:西雅图第三大道西3307号,邮编:华盛顿州98119
  • 通过 Banner Information System.


Disability 支持 Services: 大学为残疾学生提供各种服务. 的 学习中心, 位于下莫耶, can assist with scheduling interpreters, 读者, 和 other special assistants. 该办事处还可以协助获取盲文和录音材料, 和 it can provide individual counseling 和/or referrals. 的 Center also supports classroom accommodation, 包括与教师协商需求,安排无障碍教室. Hours: Monday–Thursday 8 a.m.–7 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. 电话:206-281-2272.

成绩单: 官方成绩单只有在被要求记录的学生授权的情况下才会公布. 参观 订购记录 网易彩票app如何在线、亲自或通过传真或邮件订购的完整详细信息.



SPU的 办公室 of 安全 和 安全 patrols campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you need emergency help, call them at 206-281-2911.


Use the official campus card for meals (save sales tax!), 图书馆 privileges, more. 了解它是如何工作的.

健康y choices at Gwinn


从格温公地(Gwinn Commons)和街角市场(Corner Place Market)到猎鹰城(Falcon’s L和ing)和山德拉(S和ella),你有选择. 像网易彩票app一样 脸谱网 或者访问网易彩票app 在线.

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