2019 SVPC Recap


Recognizing the plight of refugees and 全球各地有抱负的国内流离失所者(IDP) 网易彩票下载第十三届年度企业家大会 社会创业计划竞赛(SVPC)为 safe water, warm shelter, and economic opportunity. Several top 项目的特色是让这些人的生活更轻松 由于灾难、政治原因被迫离开家园或国家 unrest or war. The Showcase event, the finale of the annual SVPC于2019年4月16日星期二在SPU校园发生.


The top project was Rush, chosen as the $5000 Herbert B. Jones Grand Prize winner by the combined votes of 近80名评委代表了商业、非营利、学术等领域 and professional communities. Teplo came in second, winning the $3000 runner-up award. Almost 400 students, 教职员工和嘉宾投票选出他们最喜欢的项目 the Donald B. Summers People’s Choice award of $1000 fell to Evity.

Rush exists to provide 一种可靠的、经济的、临时的清洁来源 在紧急情况下向个人提供饮用水. The team 设计了一个水冷凝器,可以冷却其温度以下的环境空气 相对露点,使蒸汽凝结成液体 form. 每个小装置每年可产生8升水 day, enough to sustain a family of four. The units would be sold 供人道主义援助和救灾组织在灾害中使用 situations, refugee camps and more. The Rush team included Coby Olson,大四 电气工程专业的Jon Xayasy,大三学生 卡莉,发展研究和社会正义双学位 斯特雷耶,还有高年级学生迈克尔·穆霍尔和奥布里·佩恩 经济学和全球发展研究双学位.


In 乌克兰政府不稳定,当地冲突不断 导致国内流离失所者人数增加 (IDPs) and refugees in the past few years. The standard shelter 援助组织为国内流离失所者部署的物资不足以满足他们的需求 below-freezing winters in Ukraine. The Teplo 团队开发了一种易于部署、预制和 低维护的庇护所提供保护和安全 year-round. 单元是模块化的,加热的,独立的,和 设计用于大型安装的援助和救济 organizations. Teplo was comprised of senior 心理学和工商管理双学位 菲利普斯,工商管理专业大三学生奥黛丽·弗兰克斯, 大三全球发展研究专业大四Emma Goehle 全球发展研究专业大四学生Madisynn McCombs 工商管理专业克里斯·科尔,大四机械专业 Engineering major Calvin Kispert.

Three Honorable Mention prizes of $2,000 were also awarded:


Boldly B.E.E. 会培训曾经被监禁的年轻女性,年龄 18-24, in Pierce County to install and maintain 蜂箱,提供社会和环境 benefits through the sale of both hives and honey. Boldly B.E.E. was the work of junior 全球发展研究专业的学生Lakyn Coppedge和 Madison Zurcher, senior Global Development Studies 主修Makenna Kokosz, Dylan Forbes和Sara Schaffner, and first-year Business Administration major Noah Higgins.


Evity plans to 创造当地制造的、可持续的、流行的女性服装 通过雇佣内衣技术移民和 refugee women, establishing dignified career opportunities for women to take control over their earning power and build community. The Evity 团队由工商管理大二学生组成 格雷西·布朗,工商管理专业大三学生 Kersha Taitano,初级经济学和全球发展 双学位学生凯特琳·安德森,大四学生凯特 安东内利和伊丽莎白·瓦卡罗,都主修 Global Development Studies and Political Science.


With the slogan “accommodate all,” Verity proposed a system to 证明《网易彩票app》对公共建筑的可达性 然后通过一个 convenient app. The Verity plan was 由高级全球发展部撰写并呈现 研究专业赛迪·亨德森,全球发展专业大三学生 Studies major Hannah Holmgren, and senior Business 行政专业的简·格里斯利和安德鲁·伊瓦尔迪.


For 这是SPU连续第六年与城市影响(Urban Impact)合作 西雅图雷尼尔山谷附近的一个以信仰为基础的非营利组织. 展示项目的团队专注于在社会中发挥作用 雷尼尔山谷有资格获得500美元的奖金,还有这个 今年雷尼尔山谷赛道奖的得主是 Syzzle.

Syzzle aims to develop a series 为成人开设的烹饪课程,这将产生收入 为儿童提供一套现有的烹饪课程 由非营利组织“从孩子到厨师”组织的. Senior 工商管理专业的学生乔舒亚·帕特森投了反对票 Syzzle, and wrote the business plan in cooperation with community partner Dwane Butler of Child to Chef.

The Syzzle project will also present at Sharks at the Beach. This “Shark 坦克风格的晚会将由Urban Impact在New 冬青树聚会大厅,7054 - 32大道S在西雅图,华盛顿州,4月 25, 2019. 几位雷尼尔谷的企业家将参与推介 他们的想法在一组社区专家面前进行了现场直播 audience. The event begins at 6:00 p.m. and runs until approximately 8:30 p.m. with cash prizes awarded to the winning projects.

This is the thirteenth year of SPU’s Social Venture Plan Competition. Nineteen teams presented at the 展示活动,由大约70名学生组成. In 除了SPU项目,还有两个来自西北拿撒勒的团队 南帕大学(Nampa, ID)参加了比赛,以及来自 普雷西迪奥研究生院(西雅图,华盛顿州)和新墨西哥研究所 of Mining and Technology (Soccoro, NM). In addition to the 近80名社区法官,约350名学生,教师 and staff voted in the People’s Choice balloting.


The Showcase Round was the final leg of the Social Venture Plan Competition. Earlier stages in 比赛包括一系列网易彩票app基础知识的研讨会 撰写商业计划书,为团队撰写的商业计划书打分; 与知识渊博的商人进行培训, non-profit executives and others. In all, more than 150 社区志愿者花时间做读者、指导员、教练, and judges.

Leslie Hale, a Knot Strategy的商业顾问,资深SVPC volunteer noted, “I love doing this and will continue to volunteer as long as you will have me. It is energizing to see 学生们在一个概念上努力工作,并把它带到了很远的地方 such a short amount of time. It is a very inspiring event.”


Greg Hartmann, an External Partner Manager with AT&T and a frequent Showcase Judge, commented:
Looks like the results were right on target this year . . . I voted for some of the top picks. How could you compete with clean water and warmth?

退休的甲骨文高管,第一次当法官的卡罗尔 Kelly added, “I loved the competition, and the energy of the students, and the event!

SVPC的财政赞助者包括赫伯特. Jones 斯科特和凯瑟琳·康明斯家庭基金会, Fischer Companies, Pioneer Human Services, Bellmont cabinet, Northwest Center, and Skills, Inc. The competition is organized 由麻省理工学院应用学习中心(CAL)提供 Business, Government, and Economics (SBGE) at SPU.