


临床心理学博士学位 是由 美国心理学会. 这个项目是全日制的, 五年, 集成, and organized sequence of studies and practice experiences based on the “local clinical-scientist” model of training. 的 local clinical-scientist embodies and expands upon the original scientist-practitioner model of clinical psychology.

Research and clinical practice are balanced in the curriculum, and our graduates function in various roles as health care clinicians, 大学学者, 项目董事, 、监事.

Coursework is grounded in empirical literature that examines the interplay among biological, 心理, 与人类调节有关的社会因素. This bio-psychosocial perspective infuses all aspects of the doctoral curriculum and training experiences.

Perspectives on diversity are incorporated throughout the curriculum, addressing individual and group differences and the implications of diversity for the ethical and effective practice of clinical psychology. And, in our view, a full appreciation of diversity includes spiritual and religious factors as well. Additionally, both faculty and students are committed to a vocation of service to others.

的 PhD in 临床心理学 begins in Autumn Quarter and admits students once a year.


To graduate with the PhD, you must complete 195 quarter units of courses that include:

  • 26个研究单元 和论文
  • 两年制,兼职 实习职位
  • 全日制一年制 实习

A master’s degree (MS in 心理 science) is earned en route to the doctorate.


教师, 工作人员, and students of the 心理、家庭和社区学院 (SPFC) at 网易彩票下载 strive to become a community of learners:


  • Exploring the implications of vital expressions of Christian faith for the human condition, 以及情感和关系的治疗和健康.


  • 营造严谨和创新的学习环境, as well as contributing primary scholarship to the scientific study of 心理 and social processes.


  • 将网易彩票app的学习社区建立在理论基础上, research and application of our disciplines in order to produce skilled graduates who can serve with character and competence in a broken world.
  • Nurturing creative partnerships with our local community and beyond in order to serve in and learn from socially and culturally diverse settings.


SPU’s PhD in 临床心理学 meets the educational requirements that will allow you to pursue licensure in the state of Washington. 每个州都有不同的专业执照要求. Eligibility for licensure may involve more than degree completion and may include professional examinations, 背景调查, 和指纹. 许可证的要求可以不经通知而更改.

的 state professional licensing boards make the ultimate decision as to whether or not an individual will be eligible for licensure based on the rules and regulations in place at the time the individual submits their application for licensure. 在这里查找信息 about certification/licensure in the state where you intend to practice.


For admission to clinical psychology doctoral studies, the following are required:

  • 在线申请 和75美元 手续费
  • 学士学位
    • 从地区认可的机构, 最少3个.平均成绩0分.
    • 心理学本科专业优先.
    • If your bachelor’s degree is not in psychology, you may wish to take the 研究生入学考试(GRE)心理学科目考试 展示足够的一般心理学知识.
    • All applicants should have successfully completed a statistics or tests-and-measurements course, as well as at least five other psychology courses prior to application, 来自下列中的:不正常的, 发展, 实验, 生理的、社会的、学习的、动机的或个性的.
  • 官方成绩单
  • 研究生入学考试 (GRE)
    • Administered within five years of the deadline date for application to the program.
    • GRE心理科目考试 (PGRE) is not required, but may be advantageous if your bachelor’s degree isn’t in psychology.
  • 推荐信
    • Three academic references from current or former professors/instructors are preferred, however you may substitute for one academic reference a professional reference from a person in a related field (e.g.(临床督导).
  • 个人陈述
    • 长度3 - 4页,打好.
    • 明确你的职业目标, 攻读临床心理学学位的理由, 以及你为什么选择上西雅图大学.
    • Mention professional and personal strengths as they apply to clinical psychology, 相关工作经历, 研究兴趣, 个人价值观, 宗教的理想, 以及其他你认为合适的信息.
    • Preference is shown to applicants who possess potential for both clinical and scientific work, 通过之前的工作或志愿者经历证明.


如果英语不是你的母语, 你必须乘 英语作为外语考试(托福), and obtain a minimum score of 600 on the paper-based test or 250 on the computer-based test.

如果你不是美国人.S. 公民或永久居民.S. 居民, 你必须提供一份官方机密文件 statement of financial support covering each year of intended enrollment. 这是必要的 签发I-20移民表格的文件. 文件必须包含在 应用程序包.

更多有关入学要求的资料 面向国际研究生. 


  • 12月15日


的 招生 Committee of the 临床心理学 Department (CPY) will conduct a preliminary screening process. Finalists will be invited to come to campus for personal interviews in late February or early March.

Admission to the doctoral program depends upon recommendation by the CPY faculty and approval from the department chair.


如果你有硕士学位的话, or have taken other graduate coursework in psychology at a regionally accredited institution, 你最多可以转20个季度单位. You must submit syllabi of any courses for which you request transfer of credit.

Courses accepted for transfer must have been passed at a grade of “B” or higher and completed within seven years of transfer. A petition to transfer credits is submitted only after formal admission to the program.


You must complete all requirements for the doctoral degree within seven years from the quarter your first post-admission course was taken. Students who need more than seven years to complete the degree must file a time-extension petition with the director of doctoral studies.
